The Power of Serving others! Do you desire to help others, especially during these difficult times? And yet, do you feel there’s nothing original left for you to do?
The truth is: YOU are God’s Original Masterpiece. U are Uniquely U!
No one is exactly like you!
No one has your thumbprint.
No one touches the world exactly the way you do!
No one has your iris.
No one sees the world through your eyes.
No one has your DNA.
No one sings, or feels, or thinks, or acts, or walks, or talks exactly like you!
God wants to speak through YOU.
He wants to write and tell stories through YOU.
God wants to listen to others through YOU.
He cares to smile, to laugh, to cry with others through YOU.
He desires to paint and photograph through YOU,
He desires to design through YOU,
He wants to cook and bake through YOU,
He’s waiting to write songs and sing through YOU,
He wants to garden through YOU,
He longs to mentor, guide, and teach through YOU.
“We are masks that God wears as He cares and loves through us to reach the world.” PATRICE
He wants to say things through you. Because when you say them, they touch people differently. He has people waiting to be UNIQUELY ministered to through U!
Especially in these isolating quarantine days, have you ever spent time praying about what YOU can do to show others you care? What simple gifts and talents you’ve been given that can bless and inspire others.
God waits patiently to speak thru your hands, your heart, and your mind to the audience He has chosen. The audience that only You can bless in your “UNIQUELY U” way!
Perhaps you feel called to be a painter. Thousands of people have felt called to paint the Red Rocks of Sedona, AZ. And I must say, I am deeply moved every time I view Sedona’s Red Rock in person, in an artist’s photograph, or in a painting! And with each new artist’s rendering, I see something different. . .be it the light, the shadow, the depth of color. . . . My heart is moved anew!
“So, God created human beings in His own image. In the image of God, He created them; male and female He created them.” Genesis 1:27
"I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well." Psalm 139:14
"We are fearfully and wonderfully created in God’s Image. . .strengths AND weaknesses! UNIQUELY U!”
“Everything is Askable!” PATRICE
Let’s ASK, starting with prayer, how God desires to serve and inspire others through us... using our gifts and talents...both individually and together.
“Change your thoughts. Change your world. Become who you’re meant to be!” PATRICE